Kite tenjo fanfiction
Kite tenjo fanfiction

He was later revived by the power of the Numeron Code after Yuma's and Astral's final Duel.Īn alternate universe version of Kite appears in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V. Faker, a Number Hunter, and one of the main characters who was gathering 'Numbers' for his father in order to help his formerly sick brother, Hart Tenjo, in Yu-Gi-Oh. After defeating Mizar on the Moon, Kite hands him his Number cards and entrusts him to complete his quest after succumbing to the vacuum of space. Kite Tenjo, known as Kaito Tenjo ( () (), Tenj Kaito) in the manga and Japanese version, is the son of Dr. When Hart was cured, he became friends with Yuma and Astral and cooperated with them in the Interdimensional War between the Astral World and Barian World, becoming directly involved with the Legend of the Dragons of Light and Time. The other had a pink body with two, purple pigtails on either side of its head. One of them had a green body with a pony tail of stringy, purple hair with a ponytail. The face down card flipped face up, bringing forth 2 cartoonish creatures. Assisted by a robot named Orbital 7, Kite was the most direct adversary of the first three arcs, but his "Numbers" are now in the possession of Yuma Tsukumo and Astral. Crusher complied and charged after the face down monster on Tori's field. Faker, a Number Hunter, and one of the main characters who was gathering "Numbers" for his father in order to help his formerly sick brother, Hart Tenjo, in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL.

kite tenjo fanfiction

I just hope we can use Tumblr or any other social media comfortably.Kite Tenjo, known as Kaito Tenjo ( カイト, Tenjō Kaito) in the manga and Japanese version, is the son of Dr. I am sorry for posting stuffs like this to pin, since even the people know me well since do not get how much critiques on my works and any mention about random ship can make me uncomfortable.

kite tenjo fanfiction

Reblogs also count sInce I can see what you write on my notification. Hi guys, Welcome to our YuGiOh Master Duel Zoodiac Deck 2022, this is YuGiOh Master Duel Zoodiac Deck 2022 which is one of the Best decks in Yu Gi. 3 EXP Booster, 3 Results Booster, 2 Extra Life Booster, 2 Extra Card Booster. 36+ groartig Sammlung Yugioh Decks Top / Top 5 Yu Gi Oh from . If a DARK monster (s) you control that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can send this card from your hand or field to the GY, then target 1 of those destroyed monsters Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your GY with a different original name from that targeted monster. Note: You can obtain cards that Kite Tenjo previously had in his Roaming Event, such as Ghost Ship and Golden Dragon Summoner. So, I will appreciate if you do not mention any other ship I might not ship. confrontation hikariangelove 70 11 yugioh zexal fanficART hikariangelove 97 18 Kataritsugu Koto Blacklynx3 11 6 ZEXAL. Best Yugioh Duel Links Starter Deck.Maat 11:39 pm.We also like taking the fight to the opposition. I do not receive any ship suggestion and I am pretty sensitive about ship. So, I will appreciate if you just ignore the things bothering you and do not leave any comment about it at all. I only make fanworks for fun and critiques will make me leas productive. Please refrain yourself from giving critiques, even if it’s a polite and right one. Therefore, I will not accept any comments about this is not right or I need to fix what. Especially, for every fanworks you see here, I made and post it for myself. by Emily Banda 7.3K 134 6 Kithelyn was the the sister of Kite Tenjo and she was hidden from people.

kite tenjo fanfiction

kitetenjo yugiohzexal zexal +2 more 15 Why are they hiding her (Yuma Tsu. While his friend Yuma is always trying to help him and understand his situation, Kite always. Just to make it clear, this is a fangirling account and I post for myself. A story from the point of view of a struggling and angered boy, Kite Tenjo. Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog! You can call me Gia.

Kite tenjo fanfiction