Finding chests in dino pets
Finding chests in dino pets

finding chests in dino pets
  1. #Finding chests in dino pets Patch
  2. #Finding chests in dino pets plus

Maybe I just had bad luck and an off day, but my advice to you is this: If you're still looking for waterlogged wreckage, save yourself the time and frustration, pain and headaches of searching in other spots and just go to the coast of feralas. It was right there next to those giants called shore striders. I saw 2 schools, one of them firefin snapper and the other Waterlogged wreckage, just like that. I then saw the post from Vanth and flew to the shore of Feralas. Still no luck (again still fishing out the other schools).

finding chests in dino pets

I then flew to Feralas and tried out New Thalanaar. I tried Theramore in Dustwallow marsh, also tried "dreadmurk shore", same thing. I went to hillsbrad, searching all of Lordamere lake, close to where the Dalaran crater is, also fishing up schools to see if it would turn up. I searched STV, coastal and rivers, fishing up other schools to see if it would turn up. I had minimal issues finding the others, and I thought this one would be the same. Waterlogged wreckage was my last one to find.

finding chests in dino pets

Please let me know what you think.Ĭomment by urmom85As of 4.2, I just wanted to say this:

finding chests in dino pets

#Finding chests in dino pets Patch

There is not a complete up to date list for patch 4.0.3. I kept in the area where the bloodsail mobs are and fished the oily blackmouth and firefin snapper and finally it spawned. This one took the longest to spawn by far. I had to fish some oily blackmouth and firefin snapper but it spawned within a couple of minutes.īloodsail Wreckage: The Cape of Stranglethorn - South of Hardwrench Hideaway and north of Booty Bay along the coast. It was spawned when I walked up.įloating Wreckage: Wavestrider Beach, Tanaris - North of Caverns of Time. Waterlogged Wreckage: Darrowmere Lake, Western Plaguelands - By the bridge between Andorhal and Uther's Tomb. Schooner Wreckage: Menethil Harbor, Wetlands - Right by the flight master. Steam Pump Flotsam: Umbrafen Lake, Zangarmarsh - I looked for a steam pump in the water and fished the mixed brackish schools in the area. I hope this helps.Ĭomment by 741247I just finished this achievement today. Also in finding these wreckages I got 11 iron bound chests and a lot of stuff in them. This applies to the entire world of warcraft. So I recommend following this strategy for a quick success. If you don't need that kind of fish you can always sell it on the AH. The same strategy worked for all the types of wreckages I needed for the achievement.

#Finding chests in dino pets plus

Plus I didn't have to run up and down the coast looking for spots. As long as you remove the sites that are in the area, no matter where or what it is, the ones you want will eventually come up. I continued to do this and found 3 waterlogged wreckages and 4 bloodsail all in about 45 minutes off the coast of STV around Grom'gol base camp. I fished out 4 spots of oily blackmouth and then backtracked where I just fished and in between the spots a waterlogged wreckage hole showed up. It doesn't matter what type of fish is in the hole, fish it out so the next type of fishing spot will come up. Comment by irspudYou have to fish the existing holes out so the other types of fishing holes come up.

Finding chests in dino pets