More details regarding new countries to be added in the soft launch phase will be revealed in Q2 2022.1937 Effective this date, the dividing point between the 6th and 7th Lighthouse Districts on the east coast of Florida was moved northward from Hillsboro Inlet to St. The team wants the game to be the best possible state for new players. CC tags are reserved for certified content creators while SA tags are for Space Ape employees.Ĭurrently, the team at Space Ape Games is working on adding new elements, features to the game while refining the gaming experience. Players may have noticed teammates or opponents with CC or SA tags before player names.
The driver of the vehicle has control of the radio. This feature was in the game during the first alpha playtest but was later removed. Players when travelling in the 4×4 can listen to music.
The update also eases the process of sending and interacting with squad requests. Players can now send a friend request from the battle leaderboard, more information regarding the in-game status of friends has been added. The team is also working on making the map loadouts fair for everyone. In addition to this, some more changes have been made and the team is working on improving the matchmaking further with future updates.

Lobbed targeting improvementsĪdded projectile lead-time to the following units: On the flip side, it might require more effort to keep up with fast-moving units in close quarters. Spray weapons will no longer snap & lock onto your target which lets players smoothly switch between targets. The targeting mechanics for flamer, scorcher, and meditank, the booster is changing to make it easier to lock onto multiple targets.

Balance Changes Spray Targeting mechanics reworked